Media Asing Dibatasi Liput Papua
JAKARTA--Pemerintah Indonesia masih membatasi akses peliputan media asing di bumi Papua. Pemerintah belum mencabut wajib lapor bagi wartawan asing yang ingin meliput di Papua. Alasannya, untuk melindungi wartawan dari potensi gejolak keamanan. Apalagi, keselamatan wartawan asing di sebuah negara menjadi isu sensitif.
West Papua Report (February 2012)
The trial of five Papuans who led a peaceful demonstration in October 2011 demanding Papuans' right to self determination has begun. There has been no prosecution of security forces who brutally attacked that demonstration, killing at least three peaceful demonstrators and beating scores more. The U.S. State Department called on the Indonesian authorities to ensure due process for those indicted and urged that Indonesia respect its international legal obligations related to the trial. Human Rights Watch.
AS Desak RI Perhatikan Aspirasi Warga Papua
Amerika Serikat mendesak Indonesia memperhatikan aspirasi warga Papua terkait proses hukum lima aktivis dengan tuduhan makar dengan ancaman hukuman penjara seumur hidup.
Once again, Australia is silent about violence on its doorstep
In West Papua, it's appeasement, violence and business as usual for Indonesia. There is a vast difference between promises made to the people of West Papua and what actually happens.
Its sheer bloody murder, right on our doorstep
THE highest mountains between the Himalayas and the Andes are the snow-topped crags of West Papua (4884 metres). A tropical glacier pokes out of the sweltering green of Asia's largest rain forests. This is the second largest island on earth, with 15 per cent of all the world's languages, an encyclopaedic biodiversity and a new El Dorado for our resource-hungry world.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Kanaky support Independence of West Papua
PT Freeport Berikan Rp 3,4 Triliun ke Pemerintah
16 Rencana Aksi Pemerintah untuk Papua dan Papua Barat
Menari dan Berkoteka, Mahasiswa Papua di Makassar Demo Tolak Pemekaran
Mereka Terpaksa Berganti Nama untuk Menutupi HIV
Dua Tokoh Politik Puncak Ditetapkan Tersangka
11 Nyawa Melayang karena Rusuh Pemilukada di Tolikara Papua
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Jaksa Penuntut Umum Hadirkan Sembilan Saksi Di Pengadilan
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Wakil Kepala Bais TNI Jabat Pangdam XVII/Cenderawasih
Unconfirmed Reports Of Imminent Major Security Crackdown