“SO long as any Pacific island remains colonised none of us is free,” said the late Father Dr. Walter Lini, the founding father of the Vanuatu independence.
His wisdom has always been inspired the Government and people of Vanuatu to continue their support for the aspirations of independence of Melanesian brothers and sisters of West Papua.
On 5th of March 2010, during the Chiefs Day of Vanuatu, more than 1,000 participants representing various political and social organisations marched through Port Vila as an expression of their support for independence of West Papua.
On behalf of the people of Vanuatu, President National Council of Chiefs, Chief Gratien Alguet presented eight-points petition, which was signed by more than 1,150 people to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Joe Natuman, who represented the Government of Vanuatu.
The minister in his response said: “Vanuatu foreign policy is standing strong on the issue of decolonisation for peoples who are still colonised….We respect integrity and sovereignty of Indonesia.
“However, we are still maintaining our position in supporting the rights of self-determination in the people of West Papua…. …We have diplomatic relations with Indonesia. It is good to agree with disagree.”
John Ondawame of the West Papua Free Movement thanked the government and people of Vanuatu for their support.
“The representatives of the people of West Papua in Vanuatu expressed our gratitude and appreciation to the Government of Vanuatu for maintaining its longstanding position on the issue of independence of West Papua,” Mr Ondawame said.
“We also congratulate the organising committee,-Vanuatu Free West Papua Association, Vanuatu National Council of Chiefs, Vanuatu Police Forces and all participants of the people of Vanuatu for having a successful peaceful march for independence for West Papua for the first time in the Vanuatu’ history and their endless support for independence of fellow Melanesian brothers and sisters in West Papua.”
Source: http://www.solomonstarnews.com/news/regional/3684-vanuatu-shows-support-for-west-papua-people