Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dialog in West Papua

Today Rep. Eni Faleomavaega and Rep. Donald Payne joined Papuan leaders and Indonesian intellectuals in calling for dialog in West Papua. In a letter to the President of Indonesia, they wrote: “A national dialogue would present an opportunity to resolve important issues in West Papua long viewed with concern by Members of Congress and the international community. These include human rights abuses, demographic shifts leaving many Papuans as minorities in their own land, limits on freedom of speech and peaceful assembly, restrictions on the free movement of Papuans within Indonesia, and constraints on international
journalists, researchers, and those in nongovernmental organizations seeking to visit or work in West Papua.”

“It is our sincere hope that you will establish an internationally-mediated commission to initiate a dialogue bringing together nationally-respected leaders of your government and of West Papua. We believe this is the moment to begin such a process. A serious national dialogue will enhance the welfare of the people of West Papua, demonstrate Indonesia’s commitment to democracy and justice for all its citizens, and enhance your country’s growing stature on the global stage,” the letter concludes.

Faleomavaega and Payne both are members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the U. S. House of Representatives. Faleomavaega is the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment, and Payne is the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health.

Source: ebenkirksey.blogspot.com