Thursday, April 8, 2010

Papuan archeology could boost income: Official

JAYAPURA: Papua is rich in archeological resources that could be a source of regional income and economic opportunities for residents, an official with a national archeology body said Tuesday.

"Papua's archeological resources are many and varied. If managed well, it could be used as a source of regional income by promoting historical tourism," National Archeology Research and Development Center head Tony Djubiantono said as quoted by Antara.

Tony said Papua had attracted domestic and international tourists because of its beautiful nature and unique cultures. However, few knew about Papua's archeological resources, Tony said.

Artifacts found in Papua include peices from the Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age era, when hunting was the main source of food.

The findings include Dudumunir Cave on Araguni Island in Fakfak regency, West Papua. Another site is Tutari Hill in Jayapura, Papua, where drawings were carved into one of the caves' walls.

The region also has Islamic archeological artifacts in Raja Ampat Islands in West Papua, Tony said.

More recent artifacts are from the colonial period and Second World War when the Allied Forces set up a base in Jayapura. Ifar Mountain was the site where Gen. Douglas MacArthur contemplated his strategy. - JP

Source: TheJakartaPost