Wednesday, May 19, 2010

West Papua: Indonesia military operation underway in Puncak Jaya

Press Release:
The Australia West Papua Association (Sydney).

A military operation is taking place in the Puncak Jaya region of West Papua. Security forces are conducting a sweep (operation) in the area to pursue members of the Free Papua Movement (OPM). During the operation a member of the Free Papua Movement was killed in the Kampung District Goburuk Yamo, on Monday. According to a police public relations officer the OPM member was shot because he refused to surrender. The security forces claim they have also seized a number of weapons and ammunition during the operation and they are continuing their pursuit of the OPM.

Joe Collins of AWPA said, “AWPA is greatly concerned for the civilian population in the area. Many reports have pointed out the the security forces have great difficulty distinguishing between what the term separatists and the general public”. We are also concerned that the security forces are preparing for a larger operation in the area . It would appear that the local government in the Puncak Jaya region has called on the TPN / OPM operating in the Tingginambut district to surrender, otherwise the TNI and police will undertake operations to pursue, capture and crush them.

The Jakarta Post reported on Sunday that the Justice and Human Rights Minister Patrialis Akbar, planned to release a number of Papuan political activists jailed for campaigning for separation from Indonesia. This is welcome but he should also be calling on the security forces operating in West Papua to halt all military operations in the area to avoid further bloodshed.

Joe Collins said, “the problems in West Papua won’t be solved by deploying more troops to the region or conducting more military operations. What is needed is dialogue between Jakarta and West Papuan representatives.”
