Wednesday, May 26, 2010

French Reporters Detained for Violating Visa

Jayapura. The local immigration office detained two French reporters on Tuesday for allegedly violating a visa regulation, a spokesman said.

Head of the Jayapura immigration office Robert Silitonga confirmed that Baudin Koeniag and Carol Helene Lorthiois were detained while they were covering a rally in Jayapura because their activity was a violation of their visas.

Baudin had a permit issued by the tourism and culture ministry to make documentary footage on cultural activities in Gorontalo (Sulawesi), Aceh (northern-most part of Sumatra), and Sorong (West Papua) but not in Papua province.

Carol Helena Lorthiois only had a tourist visa. The two French reporters are currently being grilled intensively.

If found guilty, they would be deported and blacklisted by the Indonesian immigration office, he said.

