Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Report of Human Rights Violations in Papua since 1969

Comprehensive Report of Human Rights Violations in Papua since 1969

Bintang Papua, 23 July 2011

Jayapura: With the help of an NGO in the USA and the European Union, ELSHAM-Papua has drawn up a comprehensive report of cases of human rights violations that have occurred in West Papua during the period since it became part of the Republic of Indonesia.

ELSHAM co-ordinator in Papua, Ferdinand Marisan S.Sos told Bintang Papua that they had already completed their collection of data.

'We have collected data about human rights violations in Papua from the year 1969 up to 2010,' he said. He said that they had been doing the work since February this year and had completed it in April.

They are now going through the process of putting all the data together in a book. 'We plan to produce the data in a book which we hope to publish in October this year.'

He said that the compilation had been done together with the ICTJ, the International Center of Transitional Justice, a body that has the support of the European Union.

